Microgreen Plant Garden

Preparing for New Tunnels: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of farming and agriculture, preparation is key to success. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or just starting out, the process of preparing land for new tunnels requires careful planning and execution. In this guide, we’ll take you through the steps involved in preparing for new tunnels based on insights shared in a YouTube video by Josh Sattin, a farming expert. Let’s dive in!


1. Understanding the Importance of Preparation

Before delving into the nitty-gritty details of preparing the land, it’s essential to grasp why proper preparation is crucial. Josh emphasizes the significance of preparing the ground adequately to ensure optimal conditions for growth. This includes leveling the surface, addressing drainage issues, and setting the stage for future cultivation.

1.1 Soil Assessment

Start by assessing the soil quality of the intended area for the tunnels. In the video, Josh mentions that the soil in his previous farming area was fantastic due to years of careful cultivation. Understanding your soil composition will help determine the necessary amendments and preparations needed before planting.

1.2 Drainage Considerations

One of the primary concerns when preparing for new tunnels is drainage. Improper drainage can lead to water pooling around the tunnels, which can cause damage to crops and infrastructure. Josh emphasizes the importance of creating drainage ditches to direct water away from the tunnels, preventing potential waterlogging issues.

2. Preparing the Land

With a clear understanding of the importance of preparation, let’s delve into the process of getting the land ready for new tunnels.

2.1 Clearing and Moving Livestock

Before starting any groundwork, it’s essential to clear the area and relocate any livestock present. In the video, Josh mentions moving chickens temporarily to allow for unhindered preparation of the land.

2.2 Tillage and Leveling

Tillage plays a crucial role in preparing the soil for cultivation. While Josh advocates for no-till practices in the long run, he acknowledges the need for initial tillage to address surface irregularities and create an optimal growing environment. Using a BCS (Berta Rotary Plow) attachment, he demonstrates how to perform shallow tillage to level the ground effectively.

2.3 Establishing Drainage

Creating proper drainage channels is paramount to prevent water accumulation around the tunnels. Josh outlines the process of digging drainage ditches between and above the tunnels to facilitate the efficient flow of water away from the growing area.

3. Implementation and Future Considerations

Once the groundwork is complete, it’s time to implement the plan and prepare for future expansion.

3.1 Implementation Plan

Following the outlined steps, begin implementing the preparedness plan. This includes stringing out lines, marking the ground, and utilizing appropriate equipment to carry out tillage and drainage construction.

3.2 Future Expansion

Josh discusses the potential for future expansion, highlighting the possibility of adding a third tunnel in the future. Planning for scalability ensures that the farm can adapt to evolving needs and demands over time.


Preparing for new tunnels requires a meticulous approach that addresses soil quality, drainage considerations, and future expansion plans. By following the insights shared in Josh Sattin’s YouTube video, farmers can lay the groundwork for successful tunnel cultivation while ensuring optimal growing conditions for their crops. Remember, proper preparation sets the stage for a bountiful harvest and long-term agricultural success.




Theo Kuvalis

Having grown up surrounded by the rich agricultural heritage of Texas, Theo developed an early appreciation for the land and its bounty. Inspired by the idea of cultivating his own fresh, nutrient-packed greens, he embarked on a journey to master the art of microgreen cultivation. Through years of experimentation, learning, and hands-on experience, Theo honed his skills, discovering the secrets to successful microgreen cultivation.

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